At American Industrialist, we repurpose retired, worn and expired American Flags into responsibility apparel through leadership projects in small communities. The next leaders of tomorrow depend on high standards of thought and those who lead by example. We seek out and promote friends and neighbors that lift the spirit and engagement in today’s youth and adults.
Rule Your Realm
Rule your Realm
Are you the awesome homeschool teacher that skips the mainstream curriculum to teach students about owning a business? Maybe you are the kind of parent that removes “hate” from your family’s vocabulary. Do you lift others to their own potential? If so, we support you, and would love to get to know you!
Support Our Work
Work with Us
We welcome, and offer, support in many fashions. Donations in the form of retired flags are warmly received. If you’d like to see us in your realm, send us your favorite shirt and we will send it back cooler and sassier than before! Conditions do apply. For more information on financial contributions, please contact us through our contact page.
Teach three month goal setting with our Summer Goals program for kids. Tired of seeing young kids with tablets in their faces at restaurants? Try the Miss Manners etiquette dinner to set a different expectation. And speaking of tablets, how about learning respectful Phone Guidelines for kids and adults. We have these programs and more for those who are ready to break the mainstream mold.